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Research Interests
Current Mystery
Who was Charles Maughan (1911-1960s?)?
Born near Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, 1911. Father John Ridley Maughan, mother Jane Evelyn Maughan.
Lived in Brisbane, Australia, 1912-1921, with extended family.
Possibly lived remainder of his life in UK, around Newcastle Upon Tyne.
Possibly married Alice D Fallows in 1934.
Possibly had at least one child, a male born at Newcastle on Tyne on 13 May 1940.
May have been an officer - Captain or Major - in Signals during WWII.
Was a civil servant.
He may have died in the 1960s.
In 1957 DID live at 46 Belle Vue Av., Gosforth, Newcastle Upon Tyne.
In 1957 he was writing his family history and wrote a letter to the Australian Army seeking information about a WWI soldier.
If written and if it has survived, this history could be interesting.
At this stage, however, it has been impossible to find out anything else about Charles.
He was a frustrated family history researcher in the 1950s and in the 2020s is frustrating me with his obscurity . .
Major Projects
- Vasco Loureiro
- Renee Erdos
- Kiem / Kime Family History in the Hunter Valley
Other Areas
- Roman Villas at Brightlingsea, Essex, UK
- Holocaust in Hungary
- Melbourne c. 1900: Art, bohemianism, social history, French connection
- German Templers in Palestine and Australia
History Education & Education History
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